Just Of Those Days…


Everyone has one of those days. You know what I mean…where nothing goes right. Yesterday was that day for me.

I woke up hitting the snooze button a gazillion times, raced my daughter to school (that I was 20 minutes late for), got a quick workout in, had a meeting then was running another errand when BAM my car started idling and in the time it took me to pull over into a parking lot, it died. Just died. The sensors started blinking like I was in the movie Poltergeist. I panicked. I called my husband who I thought would be nearby at his office, but he was en route to a meeting. I was on my way to meet my best friend so I shot her a text and she ran to get jumper cables to try to help me out.

The scenario looking back was hilarious. Two girly girls trying to figure out how to pop the hood and jump the car off. Luckily this older gentleman came over to offer his help. It was greatly appreciated even though this ole Georgia boy loved making jokes about how difficult it must be to wash my hair. I get it…it is thick and loooooong dude. So we finally get the car started and before the words come out of his mouth about if it died again it was my alternator not my battery, it straight up died again. So I’m stuck with no working car and I have to pick up my daughter from preschool in 2.5 hours. I called my insurance company and they ordered a tow truck with an ETA of an hour and 45 minutes away. Seriously. Any mom who has a Britax car seat knows what a pain it is to move that baby too.

So Kristen and I head over to a local restaurant to wait it out. I sit at the bar and ordered my food. After chatting with the bartender a bit, I explain what is going on. About that time I get a call from the tow place that they will be there within 30 minutes. We get our tabs and the sweet guy took care of my bill. How nice is that?! There are good souls in this world. He said “I hope your day gets better.”

Back to the car. 45 minutes later, nothing. I call them and say :

“Where are you guys? I have to pick up my daughter in 25 minutes”

“Ok ma’am you can just leave the key on the tire if you need to leave”

What???!!! I would’ve done that forever ago had you told me that. Plus there goes another $1100 out the window. I was so annoyed because my mom and sister were also heading back to California yesterday so I didn’t even get to say a decent goodbye. Ok so now that I’ve unloaded my hectic day on you, let me make my real point.

Seek out the POSITIVES even in your NEGATIVES. Yes, I had a hellacious day and it stressed me out to the max BUT it could always be worse.

  • My 3-year-old could’ve been with me.
  • It could’ve happened in an area that is not as pleasant as the one it occurred in. I could’ve also been on the interstate.
  • It could’ve been worse than the alternator and cost me way more moolah.
  • It could’ve happened earlier that morning and made me miss an appointment.
  • I could’ve been alone with no friends to help me or take me where I needed to go.


Anyway guys this isn’t a normal blog post for me but I just wanted to remind you that even during your worst days, there is always someone out there who has had a worse one than you. It’s just a day. Tomorrow you get a brand new start. Leave it to God. Let it go, Go home and have a drink, unwind and tell yourself : I’m alive and well. Breathe and you will get through the bad days.

Hope this at least made you laugh!

